30 MAY 2015 by ideonexus

 The Enlightenment Ideal Ingrained in Culture

You and I ought to reach this moral understanding not just so we can have a logically consistent conversation but because mutual unselfishness is the only way we can simultaneously pursue our interests. You and I are both better off if we share our surpluses, rescue each other’s children when they get into trouble, and refrain from knifing each other than we would be if we hoarded our surpluses while they rotted, let each other’s children drown, and feuded incessantly. Granted, I might be...
  1  notes
02 JAN 2014 by ideonexus

 "No investigation no right to speak"

Everyone engaged in practical work must investigate conditions at the lower levels. Such investigation is especially necessary for those who know theory but do not know the actual conditions, for otherwise they will not be able to link theory with practice. Although my assertion, "No investigation no right to speak", has been ridiculed as "narrow empiricism", to this day I do not regret having made it; far from regretting it, I still insist that without investigation there cannot possibly be ...
Folksonomies: empiricism
Folksonomies: empiricism
  1  notes

People who speak without first gaining understanding are not providing anything constructive.

28 SEP 2013 by mxplx

 Peer Pressure Proof

People who don't have a cohesive sense of self will feel the need to conform and will easily succumb to peer pressure
Folksonomies: hiddenbias
Folksonomies: hiddenbias

People want to be liked. They want to fit in. They don’t want to disappoint or lose their friends. Feeling peer pressure, whether it’s spoken or not, is normal. The idea that “everybody is doing it” sometimes causes people to leave their better judgment behind.